Igo Navigation Exe

  1. Download Navigation Igo Primo Exe
  2. Igo Navigation Update
  3. Igo Navigation Exe Download
  4. Igo Navigation Exercises

IGo 2.1 is a convenient tool which makes it easy to store URLs which you often uses. These URLs are accessible in a small window. They are editable at any time. Very useful if you don't want to manage URLs in your web browser. IGO primo Nextgen is a voice guided turn-by-turn navigation application that helps you to get to your destination quickly, easily and safely in. The sd card gps navigation software, free download is developing at a frantic pace. New versions of the software should be released several times a quarter and even several times a month. Update for sd card gps navigation software, free download. There are several reasons for this dynamic.

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Download Navigation Igo Primo Exe

NavigationIgo Navigation Exe
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edited November -1 in Other GPS Hardware and Software
I recently decided to upgrade my car stereo with a navigation capable one. I got an Astrium GEE-0809 head unit as they are an authorized Chrysler builder and the head unit was fully compatible with all features in my Jeep and was truly plug and play using all the OE wiring. No adapter harnesses, fillers, etc.. Looks, performance, and fits factory( basically is )for a fraction of a Chrysler MYGIG head unit.
I love it so far but there is one big issue and that is involving the Nav software. The Nav system is different from the MYGIG ones and runs off an SD card using IGO( NAVTEQ maps ). I have had nothing but headaches and hassles with it crashing on me. Right out of the box it was really bad. 50%+ of the time it would lock up everything at the ACCEPT screen( i.e. don't drive while entering info )as the Nav software loaded. It literally would require a hard reset of the whole head unit to free it as the frozen Nav screen would not go away otherwise. The other freeze ups were while a route was in process or at the start of one and you had to pull the SD card to get the Nav system to reboot which gave you all kinds of IGO.EXE and Application errors.
Was driving me crazy. The selling Astrium dealer is great and has been trying to help me out. I had to take a trip to NY last week and needed the GPS. So I went to the site where you can get updates( Naviextras )and got everything available for my unit. It has made a lot of difference but it hasn't fixed everything. It is still freezing on me at the start of routes if I am in a parking lot, driveway, etc.. and not on the road itself. Such a pain.
I have been all over the internet looking for a solution. It seems this Parking Lot freeze up is a somewhat common issue but I haven't seen where it has been fixed or how to deal with it? I am hoping( probably in vain )that someone here may have a solution to this issue? This isn't an Astrium radio issue it is an IGO software issue. Happens across platforms.
I have found a few good tips online such as always exit the Nav system before shutting the car off and to clear your history after each trip to help with the performance and avoid crashes and they did help before the update. The update helped some more but not 100%. I absolutely LOVE this Nav software when it works. It is the best I have ever had. Accurate beyond belief and the way it works just makes so much sense and makes the trip so easy. It is just these darn freeze ups that are driving me nuts.
Sorry for the rant. Just hoping someone here may know something or can direct me to another forum maybe that deals more with IGO( the Naviextras forum is a waste ). I have tried contacting Astrium multiple times and they seem to be one of those mfg's who will never get back to you. Such a shame as it is a great head unit overall.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Note - it says I am running version


  • Just to update in case anyone ever comes across this and has a similar issue. The seller contacted me out of the blue and said a fix was found and that there was a flaw on the SD cards. Had to send the original SD card back and they sent me a replacement and now the freeze issue is gone. Works great.
  • Not that it helps now but my first thought was a bad SD card. The iGo software is generally pretty good. I agree about Naviextras. Good for updated maps but that is about it.
  • Not that it helps now but my first thought was a bad SD card. The iGo software is generally pretty good. I agree about Naviextras. Good for updated maps but that is about it.
    They aren't even any good for that. Naviextras is basically NNG(IGO) themselves as I am sure you know. Just their website for updates and such that has a forum. The new SD card came from NNG( through the seller ). Yes it works so that is good but they ended up screwing me.
    Part of the deal with the new radio was a free upgrade to the latest maps. There is a file in the license folder that allows for this. They conveniently left it off of the replacement SD card though. When I got the new card and went to back it up and update it they wanted to charge me for a Map update. :twisted:
    They tie the software/maps to the license and the license to the serial number of the SD card so I couldn't even tranfer that free map update license file or maps I had from the original SD card. I copied all content from the 1st SD card before returning it as I figured they would do something like that. But, I can't use any of it.
    I refuse to pay them $100+ for map/POI updates I am owed as part of the $1200 radio I bought. I have since 'dealt' with the situation.
    Bottom line though is I now have a fully working and up to date SD card. I REALLY LIKE IGO8( 8.3.5.##### )A LOT! Hands down it is the best nav software I have ever used. Very common sense layout and performance and super accurate. NNG can go to blazes but the product is great.
  • Hi gsthunder,
    I bought the same unit back in December (paid less than you did though), I had the same issues with the navigation software but the seller sent me a new SD card, he didn’t ask me to return back the old one so now I have both, is there a way to transfer the license to the new SD card?
    Also does the Navigation software provides voice guidance? I couldn’t make the unit talk, did you face the same issue?
  • Hi gsthunder,
    I bought the same unit back in December (paid less than you did though), I had the same issues with the navigation software but the seller sent me a new SD card, he didn’t ask me to return back the old one so now I have both, is there a way to transfer the license to the new SD card?
    Also does the Navigation software provides voice guidance? I couldn’t make the unit talk, did you face the same issue?
    Sorry I didn't see this sooner. I only come here occasionally.
    Radio was actually $996. The rest was an extended warranty FWIW.
    No, you can't transfer anything from one SD card to the other. The maps and license and such are tied to the SD card. I was irate when they sent the fixed SD card and I discovered they had left the free map update license file off and wanted me to pay to update the maps/POI's. NOT! I was even more irate when they refused to honor the policy. Very uncool with me. Not the sellers fault either. It is NNG. They will not get a cent from me for map and POI updates now.
    Yes, it has voice guidance that plays over the vehicle's speakers. Note, the radio has to be powered on however for the voice to work plus you have to select a voice profile as well( at the very 1st start up it should have asked you to pick a voice ). Nav will work if the radio is off but the sound won't work. The radio has to be on even if you are on the Nav screen The Nav mutes the radio while it gives guidance then the radio comes back.
    Also, Nav has it's own volume settings when the voice is speaking. It may be muted right now. Take a look and see if it is muted.

Igo Navigation Update

↑ TopUpdated and tested, Dec 2, 2020

Getting new car GPS navigation maps is usually not easy. Local dealers ask quite a lot for them and even they are not always able to provide the newest versions. Finding the maps on the internet is also complicated since each car navigation system is very specific and has its own ways of installing the new maps. Sometimes it is done through DVD, sometimes through USB and sometimes in other ways. Luckily, we finally have our hands on an amazing free software that allows you to easily download free navigation maps for almost all possible car makes and models!

All maps on this program are the most recent versions of the official car manufacturer maps. You would get completely the same thing when buying from the official dealers.

Igo Navigation Exe Download

The program is very simple to use. First, you select your car make, then year, then model. Alternatively, you can simply enter your car’s VIN and the program will automatically detect your current navigation system.

When the program detects the navigation system, it automatically lists all the possible maps for it. The new maps are always on top and they get included as soon as they are released (and sometimes even a month earlier than the official dealer release). We always recommend choosing the most recent version: if it is listed for your car then it means that it will work without any problems!

There is also an example image on the right that shows how your navigation system should look like. However, we have noticed that in very rare instances the images are missing or not 100% accurate so you should not completely rely on them.

When you choose the required maps, the next step is to decide which way you want to install them into the car navigation system. The most common ways are DVD and USB. So in case you choose one of them make sure you have an empty writable DVD inserted or an empty USB stick plugged in. Don’t worry, the program will warn you if you do not have enough space or there is some other problem.

When you have your USB or DVD burned, simply put it into the car and wait for instructions. Usually the car recognizes that it is a navigation disc and prompts for the next action automatically. We have already had an opportunity to test this program on several cars ranging from year 2003 up to 2016 and it has worked like a charm every time!


Igo Navigation Exe

Mc3man trusty media. 1. Open the program
2. Choose your car make, year and model from the list or simply enter the VIN
3. Choose the preferred maps
4. Burn DVD or USB
5. Put it into your car and follow the instructions there

Igo Navigation Exercises

Posted in Downloaders