Matthew Get The Guy

Download Ebook Get The Guy How To Find Attract And Keep Your Ideal Mate Audio Matthew Hussey Get Him To Chase You (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy) - YouTube 6. Show Up to Happy Hours. I know when I was in corporate, after a long day the only thing I wanted to do was go home and watch TV. But, if you do what I did, your co-workers don’t bond with. '9 Texts to Get The Guy' - FREE download by Matthew Hussey Get The Guy. Use these 9 Texts from Matthew Hussey get the guy begging to date you and only you. Matthew Hussey The 9 Texts in your free guide are shockingly simple, but incredibly effective. Try them tonight with the guy who has your heart racing and watch how well they work!

The Matthew Hussey Live Retreat is my invitation-only, life changing 6-day event that brings together extraordinary women like you from all over the world with a burning desire to transform their lives from the inside out.

Personally led by me, alongside my team of hand-picked expert trainers, my Retreat takes place just twice a year in a luxurious resort in beautiful Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

At your Retreat I will guide you through a process that ultimately ensures you leave with the two essential tools you can use every day to achieve absolutely anything you want:

  1. Your personal Blueprint for your ideal life
  2. The Core Confidence that enables you to take action and create it

Here are the strategies we’ll use to get you there:

  • We’ll look at your long-held (and outdated) beliefs about your identity and help you define who you want to be, starting now
  • You’ll complete a series of powerful exercises designed by me to break through the barriers that have been holding you back from the things you deserve most, like love, success, friendship, health, happiness and self-acceptance
  • I’ll show you how to silence your excuses once and for all and tap into your emotional energy to achieve your goals
  • You’ll learn how to manage your emotions so you can overcome fear, banish anxiety and stress, get off the emotional rollercoaster for good, and move forward with the deepest level of confidence
  • And finally, I’ll take you through a life-changing experience that will make you believe, once and for all, that you are beyond “good enough” you are worthy of the best in life

…Even if you’ve never felt this way before, I will help you get to this place during our 6 days together.

No more looking for outside validation, no more telling yourself you’ll be “good enough” when you lose 10 pounds or find Mr. Right or get that promotion or whatever the next milestone is…

…you will walk away from the Retreat knowing, at your core, that you are enough, exactly as you are.



The night before your Retreat officially begins, you’re invited to a secret, magical party (sorry, no spoilers!) where you’ll meet me and my amazing team of trainers and connect with the other incredible women who are about to become your new support system.

You’ll want to get some good sleep that night because the next day your coaching begins…


You know you want a more fulfilling life, but what exactly does that look like?

On our first day together, we’ll help you get to the bottom of what you really want (what that is might surprise you). You’ll smash through your fear of making mistakes, and set clear, specific, actionable goals driven by a strong emotional connection.


Matthew Hussey Get The Guy Pdf

Happiness can be a constant state – when you know how to create it.

On Day 2 I’ll help you establish your personal wish list for happiness and create life-changing habits that will consistently move you toward achieving your goals.

If you struggle with lack of self-discipline or willpower, I have good news for you on Day 2…Together, we’ll not only put your new strategic habits into place, we’ll instill the emotional drive for you to follow through on them…every single day.

And this is not just a logical process. On Day 2 we’ll take you on an emotional journey, culminating in an inexplicably powerful finale that is nothing short of life-changing.


Most of us live our lives controlled by our emotions. Now imagine how powerful you will become once you learn how you can control your emotions.

On Day 3 (led by my father and most trusted mentor) you’ll learn how to create energy and passion to accomplish the things you want most in life. No more struggling with your heart fighting your head; You’ll discover how to get your emotion and logic to work together to make your dreams a reality.

We’ll also hone practical skills like time management, focus, dealing with stress, handling setbacks, and overcoming procrastination, perfectionism and fear of failure.


You’ve reached the mid-point of our time together and it’s time to celebrate your progress, let loose, and have some fun.

I’ve got some special magic planned for you tonight, and you’ll notice a whole new energy crackling in the air now that everyone’s guard is downand their most beautiful selves are emerging. You’ve gotten much closer to your new peer group by now so this evening is a fabulous time to share your experiences and breakthroughs.



Who are the 5 most important people in your life? Today, I’ll teach you how to understand the interpersonal dynamics at play and improve your communication with them to get the most out of these key relationships.

And that’s not all…

Each of us has a complicated relationship with at least one person in our lives. Whether it’s a difficult boss, a strained friendship, a broken romance, or a just plain toxic family member, we’ll help you rebuild those relationships that are salvageable, and stop you from being emotionally impacted by the ones that have previously weighed you down.


This is the day when our entire Retreat program comes together in the most radically powerful way…

Get ready for a complete metamorphosis as you discover 3 ways to overcome your fears, smash through your negative emotions, change your state at will, build courage by taking risks, and develop self-worth at the very deepest level:

Core Confidence.

The guided exercise I take you through today is completely transformational. I’ve been told over and over again that words can’t do it justice, but here’s what one woman had to say:

“At the end of Day 5, I had a completely unexpected, life-changing breakthrough. There’s a heavy issue I’ve been dealing with since childhood, and I figured it was just something I’d have to carry with me forever. Not anymore! The final hour with you completely blew away everything I had accomplished in ten years of therapy. I finally feel free.” – Kathryn C.


We’re all elated from these 5 incredible days together, so nowit’s time to celebrate. Together we’ll dress up, dine, and dance the night away!


This ‘Free Bonus’ day of live training, led by my father, my brother Stephen, and my team of expert trainers, is an intimate immersion session focused on your love life.

This day will enable you to transfer all you have learned and experienced over the last 5 days and focus these strategies directly on finding and creating the amazing relationship of your dreams.

If you’ve never experienced my Get the Guy programs, this is the quickest way to learn my best tips for finding, attracting and keeping your Mr. Right.

But if you’re a fan of my YouTube coaching videos and have enrolled in any of my love life programs, this deep-dive into my best content will bring to life all of my online training so you can develop a complete mastery of my techniques. You’ll even take part in a lively Q & A session where you can ask your most burning questions about men and troubleshoot your own specific love life issues.

Now that you’ve finally achieved true Core Confidence, when you go home and apply these techniques, you’ll be amazed at the results!

We receive incredible feedback about this extra bonus day, and are confident you’ll agree it’s an invaluable addition to the 5 day retreat process you have just experienced.

There really are no words to describe how incredible the Retreat experience is, so we made you this video…

Watch this video about the Matthew Hussey Retreat…

Matthew and the Retreat Team,

One year ago I stumbled upon your work and instantly knew I had to drop what I was doing to attend your retreat in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

After the interview with Billy, a couple of days went by and I was being personally greeted by you all with hugs and warm acceptance.

A transformational experience is what followed. There were things I needed to let go of, and after decades of holding on to the hurt, your process helped me do that. I left the Retreat with a newfound confidence, respect for my own value, and a deep love of myself.

Six weeks later, I met the man who is my soul’s teammate. This past weekend, he presented me with his Grandmother’s diamond.

Thank you for allowing me to become part of the Matthew Hussey Retreat family. Thank you for the sacrifices you all make to do the important work you do. You have made a difference in my life, and I am eternally grateful.

All the best,
Ciana M.

Will YOU Be One of the Few
Exceptional Women We Invite
to Attend My Next Retreat?

Matthew Get The Guy

The Matthew Hussey Retreat is by invitation only.

It is my mission to deliver the best possible experience to every Retreat participant and create the ideal environment for personal growth.

That is why there is an interview process and why it is important to me that every woman who attends has been specifically chosen to be a part of each Retreat.

Why? Because I know why each person is coming, and I can be certain that everything we do will be directly relevant to her needs and desires.

Matthew Hussey Get The Guy Review

My event is not for everyone. I’m looking for women who are ready for a personal transformation and are committed to making change happen alongside me at the Retreat.

If this sounds like you, please enter your details below and we will be in touch to schedule a consultation with one of my Retreat Specialists.

Best of luck and I hope to see you on the beach very soon!

Your coach,
Matt xx

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Lesko wearing question-mark attire in 2007
BornMay 11, 1943 (age 77)
  • American University (MBA)
OccupationBook Author
Known for'Free Money' Books
Spouse(s)Wendy Schaetzel Lesko, Roberta Kleinstein, Leila K. Kight

Matthew John Lesko (born May 11, 1943) is an American author known for his publications and infomercials on federal grant funding. He has written over twenty books instructing people how to get money from the United States government. Widely recognized for recording television commercials, infomercials, and interviews in colorful suits decorated with question marks, Lesko's signature fashion also extends into his daily attire and transportation,[1] earning him the nickname Question Mark Guy.

Life and career[edit]

Lesko grew up in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Lesko received his undergraduate degree from Marquette University in Milwaukee. Upon graduation he was commissioned as an officer in the Navy. In the Navy, he served as a navigator aboard the USS Oxford in the South China Sea during the Vietnam War.[2] When Lesko returned he earned a master's degree in business administration (MBA) from American University in Washington, D.C.

In 1975, Lesko quit his job designing computerized information systems and co-founded Washington Researchers with his then-wife Leila K. Kight.[3]

After a slow start, Lesko hit upon the idea of sending out a professional newsletter telling people how to get free information. The newsletter started bringing in clients, and by 1979 Washington Researchers employed 30 people in its Washington, D.C. office.[3]


As side lines of business, Lesko began publishing directories for those who preferred to do their own research, such as the Researcher's Guide to Washington, and conducting seminars on the types of information then available from the government.[3]

Lesko was able to interest publisher Viking in his idea to publish a directory of government information sources in 1980.[4] That book, Getting Yours: The Complete Guide to Government Money, was published by Viking's Penguin subsidiary in 1982.[5]

He claims to have researched government grants for over 25 years.[6]

Lesko lives in Kensington, Maryland, with his third wife Wendy Schaetzel Lesko and their two sons, Max and Morgan.


Critics claim that Lesko is misleading in his advertisements. A 2004 report by the New York State Consumer Protection Board claimed that most of the grants mentioned in Lesko's books were actually public assistance programs that many people were not eligible for, and that Lesko misrepresented examples of people who had taken advantage of government programs.[7]

The New York Times criticized him for having implied a current association with the paper long after ending a 1992–1994 NYT column.[8]

In 2005, Lesko was named #99 in Bernard Goldberg's book 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America because, 'He is a symbol for self-centered free-riders.'[9]

In an interview with the Washington Post in July 2007, Lesko admitted having assembled his books from government guides to grants and loans, quoting Lesko as saying of his first book 'I plagiarized the whole thing' and 'I didn't write a lick.' Lesko later added 'I get stuff for free and I sell it for as much as I can get.'[10]

In popular culture[edit]

Lesko visits the White House as a guest of his son, a White House staffer.
  • In the season four episode of The Venture Bros. titled 'The Better Man', Jefferson Twilight trains with cardboard cut-outs of various villains. When one of the cut-outs turns out to be Matthew Lesko, Jefferson explains that he mistook Lesko for a villain 'he was wearing punctuation on his suit', like that worn by Batman villain Riddler. The Alchemist contends that he 'helps people get free money from the government' and therefore is a good guy.
  • Comedian Andy Dick parodied Lesko on his short-lived MTV sketch comedy program The Andy Dick Show.
  • Lesko appeared as himself in advertisements for the album Danger Doom.


Matthew Lesko's company, Information USA, has published several reference books including:

  • Information U.S. (1986, ISBN0-14-046745-9)
  • Getting Yours (1987, ISBN0-14-046760-2)
  • 1001 Free Goodies and Cheapies (1994, ISBN1-878346-25-3)
  • Free College Money, Term Papers, and Sex Ed (1994, ISBN1-878346-24-5)
  • Lesko's Info-Power (1994, ISBN1-878346-17-2)
  • Free Health Care, Free Medical Information and Free Prescription Drugs (1995, ISBN1-878346-34-2)
  • Gobs and Gobs of Free Stuff (1996, ISBN1-878346-33-4)
  • Free Legal Help (1996, ISBN1-878346-35-0)
  • Free Stuff for Busy Moms! (1999, ISBN1-878346-49-0)
  • Free College and Training Money For Women (2000, ISBN1-878346-52-0)
  • Free Money and Help for Women Entrepreneurs (2000, ISBN1-878346-51-2)
  • Free Money For Your Retirement (2000, ISBN1-878346-60-1)
  • Free Stuff for Women's Health, Fitness, and Nutrition (2000, ISBN1-878346-50-4)
  • Free Money To Change Your Life (2001, ISBN1-878346-40-7)
  • Free Money To Pay Your Bills (2003, ISBN1-878346-65-2)
  • Free Money To Get A Better Home (2004, ISBN1-878346-67-9)
  • Free Money To Quit Your Job (2004, ISBN1-878346-68-7)
  • Free Money for Entrepreneurs (2005, ISBN1-878346-69-5)
  • American Benefits for Seniors: Getting the Most Out of Your Retirement (2006, ISBN1-878346-87-3)

All of his books claim to contain information about how to get free money from the United States government.


  1. ^'Questions for Matthew Lesko, the Question Mark Man'. The Black Table. 2005. Retrieved 2015-11-16. I have a yellow Mini Cooper with question marks on it. I have a little orange Scion with question marks on it ... I usually ride around on a Vespa with question marks on it. Question marks are my anti-theft device.
  2. ^Triplett, William. 'Matthew Lesko The 'Free Money' Man: Asking the Right Questions', Vietnam Veterans of America, The VVA Veteran Online magazine, May/June 2019. Retrieved 4 August 2019.
  3. ^ abcKernan, Michael (20 March 1979). 'The Facts Fanciers... From Cocoa Beans to Clothespins'. The Washington Post. ProQuest147018445.
  4. ^'Media Fast Track'. The Washington Post. 13 January 1980 – via Proquest.
  5. ^'Media Fast Track'. The Washington Post. 25 April 1982. ProQuest147447111.
  6. ^Carlson, Peter (2007-07-15). 'Marked Man: Washington's Infomercial King? Matthew Lesko, No Question'. Washington Post. Retrieved 2007-07-15.
  7. ^'How misleading advertising is feeding a nationwide boom in government grant scams'(PDF). New York State Consumer Protection Board. 2004. Archived from the original(PDF) on December 7, 2006. Retrieved 2006-04-30.
  8. ^Fred, Joseph P. (3 March 2005). 'Free Money? Sure. Heard of Food Stamps?'. The New York Times. Retrieved 2006-04-22. 'In August 2006, Lesko modified his credentials on his Web site,, which described him (as his books did) as a columnist for Good Housekeeping Magazine and The New York Times Syndicate. He wrote the magazine column in the 1980s and the column for the syndicate from 1992 to 1994. Both organizations recently told him that these did not justify his suggestion of a current association.'
  9. ^Dhingra, Philip (8 Aug 2005). 'Bernard Goldberg's 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America? And Why?'. Philosophy History. He is a symbol for self-centered free-riders
  10. ^Carlson, Peter (15 July 2007). 'Marked Man'. Washington Post.

External links[edit]

  • Better Business Bureau of Washington, D.C. Report 14 November 2007
  • 'Questions for Matthew Lesko, the Question Mark Man' – 29 September 2005 interview with Matthew Lesko
  • 'The Culler of Money' – 6 July 2005 Baltimore City Paper interview and article
  • 'Free Money? Don't Think So' – Consumer Affairs report on Lesko
  • We Tell Your Story To The World Matthew Lesko interview by Mike Sullivan of Sully's Blog
  • [1] 'Matthew Lesko is a Role Model'
  • Appearances on C-SPAN

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