Microsoft Word Hyphenation

Hyphenation biasanya kita jumpai pada surat kabar, majalah atau buku.Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan spasi yang sama pada semua kata dalam tulisan tersebut. Coba deh anda ketika mengetik diword, pertama pakai format “justify”, spasi antar kata tidak sama.

You may have enabled automatic hyphenation, only to find out that hyphenation does not work.

  1. In Microsoft Word disable hyphenation for a single word; If sometimes your delete key refuses to work in Windows Explorer; If categories cannot be enabled in Recently Popular WordPress plugin; Delete a folder that is reported as non existing although it appears in Windows Explorer! If MS Word Table of Contents refuses to remove dot or any.
  2. When we refer to ‘hyphenation in Microsoft Word’, we mean something more than just using hyphenated words correctly in your writing. In this case, hyphenation is about how text looks on the page. In particular, it helps you ensure that text is presented in neat, regular blocks. You would usually use justified text to achieve this.

Even if you go to the Options of Word to enable spelling, you will not see your document hyphenated.

To make sure automatic hyphenation is enabled, assuming of course that Word supports hyphenation in your language and you have downloaded the relevant language pack, go to the style you need hyphenated, usually the “Normal” style, and modify it > Go to the “Language” option and un-check (clear) the option “Do not check spelling or grammar.”

Press OK and you will see immediately your text hyphenated. Enjoy!

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Microsoft Word Hyphenation

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